Adventures with Kriss and Jesse, and our dogs, began as we turned off Interstate 5 onto Highway 2 headed for the annual Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival, and a few other stops between Bellingham and Newhalem.
Always a favorite place for eagle viewing this time of year, we had to visit the Lower Baker Dam.If you look very closely at some of the pictures in this slide show, you might be able to see the dozens and dozens of white dots in the trees along the shore at the bottom of the dam. Each one of those white dots, an eagle!~~~~~
Next, we took a tour up and down the main street of the town of Concrete, peering into the store fronts and observing the quaintness of the town during our walk.
Hungry, our first stop upon entering the Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival at the Concrete High School was the cafeteria for hamburgers.After finishing our burgers, we visited many of the educational displays and stopped at the Conservation Northwest booth to write letters in support of saving the grizzly bears. We sat in on a portion of a presentation given by the Sardis Raptor Center, and then went on to browse through all the merchandise displayed in the vendor booths of the artists and crafters, trying on a hat or two.
Hoping that enough daylight hours remained so that we could see our way over the Gorge Inn Suspension Bridge at Newhalem, we set off for more sightseeing. First stop, another favorite along Highway 20 near Rockport, the Wildwood Chapel. With its door always unlocked and a light switch that works, we entered and took turns preaching to the choir.
Dark and cold after walking our dogs on the suspension bridge over the upper Skagit River to the snow-covered Trail of the Cedars, and then even stopping to view the steam engine, Old Number 6, on display in Newhalem, we knew there was not enough daylight remaining to complete the Walking Tour of Historic Newhalem. We headed back down the highway and once again hungry as we passed through Marblemount, we considered buffalo burgers at the Buffalo Run Restaurant, but continued on. We returned to the eagle festival, this time for a wonderful salmon dinner. Yum, absolutely the best!
You might wonder how this historic Concrete school buildng ended up looking like this -
Check out this video!
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