A big "THANK YOU" goes out to the many friends of the
Whatcom Marine Mammal Stranding Network (WMMSN) that helped support us by stopping by our booth at the 2nd Annual Multi-Faith Alternative Holiday Market! The table that we filled with fun, educational opportunities for children in our booth was an absolute success.

On one side of the kids table, I helped provide general information about WMMSN and on the other side, there was a table where visitors could view a filmstrip showing the recent
rehabilitated harbor seal release by Wolf Hollow, purchase WMMSN T-shirts or make donations.

As an "alternative" holiday market, all the booths were reserved for not-for-profit agencies and the entire event appeared to be a total success as crowds of visitors filled the Community Room at
Bloedel Donovan Park from the time the event opened right up until it closed - all showing support for our local agencies as the
Bellingham Community Chorus performed in the background. Admission to the alternative holiday market, a jar of baby food for donation to the
Bellingham Food Bank.

Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if more people decided to give to not-for-profit and charity agencies rather than getting sucked up into all that commercial holiday hype centered around a glittery mall and shiney merchandise.
More pictures from an afternoon at the Alternative Holiday Market.
Because it's been raining for what feels like the entire month of November, there is standing water almost everywhere. I had to take a second look in order to tell exactly where the pavement at the public boat launch ended and Lake Whatcom began.

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