Saturday, September 12, 2009

September in the Garden

You would think that I'd already be very busy with fall garden clean up chores at my Happy Valley Community Garden spot by now. But with sunny skies and temps still trying to push into the low 80s, not yet, not quite.
I still have peas to pick.
My giant sunflower plants are still trying to stretch their budding faces high up into the sky.
The bees are still very busy working the borage blossoms that fill one corner of my herb garden.And my garden still has surprise! These plants, found sitting next to green cabbages at the nursery, came with a label that said they were red cabbages. I watched these plants with such disappointment earlier in the season as they refused to form their tight little round heads. I finally gave up on them and stopped giving them my attention. Imagine my delight when I finally took another look at them and discovered that they were really cauliflower and not cabbage at all. Even better, purple cauliflower at that! I'd never tried purple cauliflower before and roasted their colorful florets. Very tasty!
Here are more September garden photos.

Every day as I visit my garden now, I can tell that it is September (almost the middle actually!). I can see those chores staring up at me, just around the corner. The plants grew so large this summer - almost too large - and so fast. They produced so many wonderful vegetables and their exhaustion is starting to show. Even after a few cooler days and some rain last week, they're looking weary. Some of the sunflowers plants were toppled over by the strong winds that came with that rain - just one more reminder that it's nearing time to put my little garden jungle corner of the world away for the season. And now, warmer temperatures following those days of cool moisture have brought out a mildew in the squash patch. They're finished and soon to be pulled and added to the big compost heap.
They certainly had a good run, there was plenty to eat and what a great season it's been.


  1. rose- those peas look awesome!! They are so plump and look delicious. We have a second crop in the works, I hope they are as productive as yours

  2. bakine soda and water sprayed on the leaves of your squach plants should take care of that powdery mildew

  3. Thanks for the tip! The plants were too far gone to save. These community gardens sit in a damp little valley backed up on two sides by a wooded area (part of our Greenways Trail system actually!) and a creek meanders through the woods. The climate is more humid in the gardens than anywhere else - even a block away. Everything grows exceptionally well in the summer sun - it's like a green house without the roof - but once the nights start getting cool like they have been lately, even though it's still quite warm during the day, the plants start dying back and molds and mildews set in. The squash plants are compost now . . .

  4. first time visitor, i so agree your photos are sublime - peace for all


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