Monday, February 28, 2011

Melting Ice and River Silt

There is a nice pond at one end of our park, but this isn't that pond. This is simply a low spot in the field. We've had so much moisture, rain, hail, sleet and snow, now even the low spots look like ponds.
This is the real pond.
It's not particularly warm here yet and our weather is still unstable. The low spots, ponds and puddles still have ice. We endured a shower of small hail on our walk to the park today.
The river rose about six feet over its bank earlier this month, washing out portions of the trail and leaving a silty layer of mucky river sand. Work crews have repaired portions of the trail and are workng on others.
Looking down river to the Main Street Bridge, a layer of mud stayed behind after the flood waters receeded, covering what was plush grass.
I hope the work crews scatter grass seed soon. Dirt, mud, silt and sand had worked deep into Torrie's fur by the time we were ready to leave the park. Bathed and brushed as soon as we walked back home, river silt is not a good match for the fur of a fluffy golden retriever. Looks like we'll be checking out other parks until grass once again covers this river bank.

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