Majel had indicated to me once that she had not been to Whidbey Island since she was a young child. In her 80s now, she said she barely remembered accompanying her father and family as they ferried over for their visit. She recalled that it was very beautiful and the bridge seemed really high - way up there. She was thrilled to join in the adventure today.
Full of antique shops and cafes now, we toured my favorite part of Oak Harbor - those few blocks that make up what I consider to be their Old Town. Stopping across the street to take Torrie for a walk along the trail in Oak Harbor's downtown waterfront park, I pointed out the old Sea Plane Base, the windmill that seems out of place so near the beach, the islands on the horizon and the lovely new marina. We toured a few of the neighborhoods in town, getting a good feel for the community residential, military and shopping areas. Then we headed over to the Ault Field Air Station area so I could show her my old neighborhood.
After lunch, we took a side trip to the top of Mount Erie. I wanted to walk out onto the rock cliffs where I've so many times seen hang gliders take off as I watched them soar over the tree tops and later land in the fields near the lake far below. What a beautiful view of the islands we enjoyed today from the lookout viewpoint areas up there. Well worth the drive up that narrow, steep and curvy road. Mt. Erie, visible even in the distance from Interstate 5, and always so easy to identify even from such a distance because of those tall towers on top, is always a favorite detour of mine. I could not resist sneaking over to that big fence that keeps me from getting to close to those towers today in order to look up and snap this photo . . .
From Bellingham to Oak Harbor - the mainland, to Fidalgo Island and onto Whidbey Island - and back again.

Well into evening and very dark by the time we arrived back at our homes, what a fun day Majel and I made of it!
Looks like you and your friend had a great day. Wish I was there. Thanks for sharing your day. As for me, all I do is work. I use one of your pictures on my desktop - just beautiful. You're good. Bye for now. Your friend, Fred