Welcome to our Friendship Garden! We thought about calling it a Victory Garden, but then we wondered what, or whose, victory such a name would represent. Would that be the victory of a woman over the dirt? Or would the dirt be victorious over the woman? Would calling it a Victory Garden mean that we would be victorious over any slugs that might be nearby? Or even worse, could those slugs be victorious over our garden?

In the end, we decided to call it the Friendship Garden. After all, that is exactly what it is - a garden by friends, for friends. One friend has the land and tilled the soil. Another pounded the stakes, dug the holes and planted the seeds. More friends will help to tend it, weeding and thinning, watching as it grows and we shall all enjoy the harvest!
Our Friendship Garden layout.
I pounded stakes to mark the rows.

Torrie found a comfortable spot in the cool grass nearby as I worked.

Red and green leaf lettuce, round red radishes, baby spinach and some edible flowers were planted at one end.

Torrie watched as I dug holes for the tomatoes plants in the middle of the garden. Then more rows of seeds were planted - a curly leafed spinach, salad mix and long white radishes.

Hills of cucumbers filled the other end of our Friendship Garden as Torrie looked on and I finished the planting.

After an afternoon of playing in the dirt, digging holes and raking apart the clods, I felt my reward as I sat on the grass beside our Friendship Garden and sprayed the soil with cool water from the hose.

Perhaps even farm fresh eggs on occasion once these resident chicks have matured!
But for now, they are tiny little peeps!
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