Butternut squash is absolutely my favorite winter squash. Roasting it, baking it and making soup with it, I can't seem to grow too many and had no seeds leftover from last year. Open pollinated and organically grown, the parent buttenut squash seeds I received from the 14 Acres blogger originally came from the Seed Savers Exchange.
I also love the summer squashes. They're great fresh in salads, as a snack, stir fried, baked, stuffed, pureed and turned into soups, grated and added to breads, sliced and made into pickles, I think once I even made cookies out of them - need I say more? I've grown the regular green and yellow zucchinis, assorted colors of pattypans and yellow crockneck, but I have never grown round zucchinis. They look so cute, round like an eight ball. They should make the perfect vessel for hollowing out and filling with tasty stuffings. The parent seeds of these Round French Summer Squash, originally certified organic seeds from Seeds of Change.
Thank you so very much, and what generous quantities you sent! What a fun garden year this is already, and I've barely gotten started.
You are very very welcome! With the round zucchini, make sure to harvest them when they are only a few inches in diameter, otherwise the seeds get too big to eat. If you're going to scoop them out and stuff them, however, I guess that doesn't matter! Thanks for the nice post!